Prevelance of Domestic Violence in Australia

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Domestic violence is a broad term that covers a spectrum of abuses committed against people by intimate partners who seek to physically or psychologically dominate. Physical and emotional violence are the most commonly understood, but it also involves sexual, social, threats, intimidation and economic deprivation. It is an issue that has experienced enhanced publicity in recent years and overall is an issue that has both the government's attention and initiatives. However various readings show, that …

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…to the Police. Australian Institute of Criminology, No. 68 (March 1997) Indermaur, D. (2001). Young Australians and Domestic Violence. Australian Institute of Criminology, No. 195 (February 2001) Memmott, P., Stacy, R., Chambers, C., and Keys, C. (2001). Violence in Indigenous Communities. Retrieved October 10th, 2003, from 5210C36F7DE2A926CA256B4300022F10/$file/violenceindigenous.pdf PADV. (2002, unknown). Projects by Theme. Retrieved October 10th, 2003, from