Power of globalization.

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Introduction. Globalization changes power relationships. At the level of international relations, it changes the power of developing countries relative to that of developed countries. At the level of domestic politics, it changes the power relations among government, business, and civil society. Most fundamentally, it changes the prospects for peace--both within countries and between them. Globalization has become one of the principal symbols of economic, cultural and political life in the 21st century. Although there is …

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…and Culture. Polity Press: Cambridge 16.<Tab/>Tyler Cowen (2002) Creative destruction: how globalization is changing the world's cultures, Princeton University Press. 17.<Tab/>Waters, Malcolm (1995) Globalization. Routledge: London. 18.<Tab/>http://rrojasdatabank.net/glgrpo01/ch4.pdf#search='power%20of%20globalization 19.<Tab/>http://lilt.ilstu.edu/jhreid/Representation/globalizationandpower.htm 20.<Tab/>http://www.globalpolicy.org/globaliz/cultural/globcult.htm