Power and Splendor Vs. Emotion and Feeling

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Essay Database > History > European History
<Tab/>A piece of artwork can convey countless messages to the eye of its beholder. It divulges a meticulous story about the era in which it was created and the points of view and biases of its creator. Like all other things, the purposes and inspirations for art change over time. A more momentous change is the connection between the artists and society. In the age of the Catholic Reformation, or …

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…artists aimed to appease themselves or send personal messages to the public. Even between twentieth century artists there is a distinctive disparity; while some like Monet were totally pretentious and unfavorable towards their societies, others like Picasso used art as a way to get their voices heard. But even with their drastic differences, art from both eras are still emotional, dramatic, biased, and most importantly, they all reflect the events and atmosphere of their time.