Poverty in the US.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Poverty is one of America's most persistent and serious problems. The United States produces more per capita than any other industrialized country, and in recent years has devoted more than $500 billion per year, or about 12 percent of its gross national product, to public assistance and social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food stamps, and Medicaid. Despite our wealth and these efforts to reduce income inequality, poverty is more …

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…on their results but on their behavior too. By integrating corporate social responsibility as a core value in your business, you are not only making a significant contribution to a better society but, just as importantly, you are recognized for doing so. This has obvious benefits for the company. Corporate social responsibility can and should govern EVERY aspect of business life. The rewards, both for the corporation and the society at large, will be enormous.