Pornography's Hold Over Women

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
There exists a fundamental difference between men and women, which has nothing to do with education, class status, or even the existence or lack of a penis - the difference is that men are (generally) physically larger than women. Couple this understanding with the realization that men are capable of raping women, of using their size as a weapon and one may begin to comprehend the restrictions and fears that women are faced with on …

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…Works Cited and Consulted Dines, Gail and Humez, J.M. "Gender, Race, and Class in Media" Sage Publications, <Tab/>London, 2003. Dworkin, Andrea and MacKinnon, Catherine. "Pornography and Civil Rights" <Tab/>Organization Against Pornography, Minnesota, 1988 MacKinnon, Catherine, and Dworkin, Andrea. "In Harm's Way" Harvard University <Tab/>Press, Cambridge, 1997. MacKinnon, Catherine. "Only Words" Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1993. Sumner, L.W. "The Hateful and the Obscene" 2003.