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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Pornography Pornography, excluding child pornography, is defensible without regard to the means. There is no difference between a computer-generated picture of a naked person posing with the intent to excite and one that actually involves real people. There are, however, major objections to child pornography, computer generated or not. Any sex act, picture, or piece of literature involving children is morally wrong. There are many arguments for and against pornography. A person could argue that …

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…were measurable, would the majority be right? As stated in the essay by Ann Garry, "... pornography need not violate this principal [respect] if certain fundamental changes were to occur in attitudes about sex." People need to stop investing the time to see if pornography is immoral and start taking action to limit obscene material that is not only computer-generated, but commercial produced that may fall before the eyes of the unwilling adults and innocent children.