Pornography in the Media

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
PORNOGRAPHY IN THE MEDIA Unfortunately most of what is broadcast or transmitted in the news today is with reference to the chaotic condition of our planet, or something else that society as a whole sees as detrimental or damaging. But the news on television is not the only type of media taking criticism of society. Other forms of mass media, specifically movies and television programs containing pornography and violence have been heavily criticised. The underlining …

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…a relationship of a man and his twelve year-old stepdaughter, it does not promote or condone paedophilia and will not singularly cause a man to become a paedophile. Despite this stance I do not, in anyway, condone or promote pornography and I believe there are many issues in relation to pornography still to be sufficiently rectified, but the underlying premise is that there is almost no correlation between female violence and pornography within the media.