Pornography Censorship

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The censorship of pornography has a positive affect on the United States of America and is agood thing because pornography leads to crime, pornography has no positiveaffects on society, and censoring pornography is not against theconstitution. Crimes and pornography have a direct and apparent link. Eighty-one percentof criminals rate pornography as their highest sexual interest (). Thismeans that the clear majority of criminals love pornography and find ithighly interesting, most other people probably rank other human …

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…the censoring of other ideas what it did cause was a fall in crime rates (174). The one thing the opposition failed to prove was what is pornography's positive affect on society. In conclusion the censorship of pornography does not have a downside. It will decrease the crime rate, it will make America a better society, and will up hold what the founding fathers want free political speech not free speech to watch children getting raped.