Pornography 3

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Pornography A word that has a different meaning to different people. A word that desensitizes our community and destroys lives. A word that disgusts me even when I speak of it, but it's an issue that goes on in our everyday lives. We are faced with many questions like does the viewing of pornography increase the incidence of rape? Does it lead to anti-social behavior? Does it cause people to disrespect women? Is it morally …

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…on the community; and then becomes the community's business; and the community can legislate against it. It is the producer's problem and they should not make people use these channel blockers. Pornography promises love but produces lust; it promises fun but produces despair; it promises self-fulfillment but produces self-doubt and self-hatred; it promises freedom but produces addiction, shame and guilt; it promises joyful sex and health but produces devastating diseases and in some cases, death.