Political parties

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Political Parties <Tab/>The Republican Party was born in 1854 as a party of protest against the extension of slavery into the territories. A group of Whigs, Free-Soilers, and antislavery Democrats gathered in a church at Ripon, Wisconsin, to recommend the creation of a new party to fight the further expansion of slavery. The name "Republican Party" was suggested at the meeting. The political organization that resulted from the meeting replaced the …

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…or moderates another. And these local differences tend to make American political parties decentralized, fragmented and weak. <Tab/> Works Cited Binkley, Wilfred E., American Political Parties, New York: <Tab/>Knopf, 1963. Key, Jr., V. O., Politics, Parties and Pressure Groups, 5th ed., New York: Crowell, 1964. Sorauf, Frank J. Political Parties in the American System, Boston; Little, Brown 1964. White, Theodore H., The making of the President", New York; Atheneum, 1969