Political Parties

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Introduction The participation of citizens is a fundamental component of modern democracy. This participation can be carried out in a variety of forms, including but not limited to voting, campaigning, and group activities such as lobbying for interest groups. Political participation is influenced by many important factors, one of which is political parties. This paper will seek to explain what causes political parties to impact participation in government, using two political systems in Western Europe: …

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…The Conservative Party. April 24, 2000. <http://conservative-party.org.uk>. Dalton, Russell. Citizen Politics: Public opinion and political parties in advanced western democracies. Chatham: Chatham House Publishers,Inc. , 1996. Gibson, Rachel and Robert Harmel. \"Party Families and Democratic Performance.\" Political Studies v 46 n 3: 633-650. Labour Party, The. April 24, 2000. The Labour Party. April 24, 2000. <http://labour.org.uk>. Social Democratic Party. Social Democratic Party. April 24, 2000. <http://spd.de>. Ware, Alan. Political Parties and Party Systems. New York: Oxford University Press. 1996.