Plastic - A Boon or A Bane

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Extensions of knowledge do not always enlarge our capacity for control. This holds true for our relation to nature, some of whose phenomena are alterable by man while others are not. Despite all increase in our information about heavenly phenomena, some lie entirely beyond human influence. For instance a geologist studies the nature of the earthquakes but he cannot cause or prevent this occurrence. In some cases, we are ourselves the determinants of nature, since …

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…waste. There is a growing international movement to ban or discourage the use of plastic because of their environmental effects. Countries from Ireland to Australia are cracking down on the bags and action is stirring in the United States. Ooty too has banned the bags. The bottom line of this is that we cannot eliminate the monster of plastic which we ourselves have created. But we can definitely control and limit the use of plastic.