Physchology of Video Games

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Aggression and the Effects of Frustrating Video Games on Teenage Males Introduction In observing the behavior of my peers while watching them play video games, I have noticed that the major source of aggression stems not from the depictions of violence onscreen, but from the frustration that develops from losing. Their observable aggression seems to be at a minimum even when playing the most gratuitously violent games, yet they can easily become enraged when playing …

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…of aggressive behavior in the subjects in the experimental group. It is expected that displays of aggressive behavior will coincide with difficulties within the game, for instance losing a "life." The participants in the control group should have no difficulty playing for an extended period of time with the ten "lives" allocated to them. However, members of the experimental group should quickly find it impossible to keep "Bert" alive for more than a few moments.