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Essay Database > Literature > English
PETS Animals and humans have lived together for thousands of years. No matter what the age, race, occupation, or environment people seem to be in constant contact with animals. The human-animal bond is strong, from the start of mans excedents animals came into our imaginations and have been a source of inspiration. Ancient man hunted animals for meat and skin. Some historians believe that some cave paintings may have been a form of animal worship. …

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…health benefits to having pets. A two year study by Dr. Friesmann examines the effects between heart disease patients and pets (as described in Beck and Katcher, 1988). The study followed 92 patients who had been admitted to a large hospital and diagnosed with either Angina Pectoris or Myocardial Infarction; both forms of heart disease. After the first year of the 39 patients who did not own pets, 11 died. Only three of the 53 patients who owned pets died.