Pet Therapy

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Pet Therapy Pets can help people in many ways, they provide unconditional love and attention. Taking care of their pets, people experience feelings of being wanted and needed. Sick people that are in contact with animals seem to get well more quicly. Animals can help in many ares throughout our lifes. Dogs are trianed to help handicapped people and in rescue efforts. People communicate with animals for many different reasons. A person may not have …

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…phone is ringing. People can maintain their dignity and independence with the help of dogs. Pets bring a wide range of healing into our lives. Touch is a fabulous healer physicalll and mentally, and the love your receive heals the emotions. Our pets do not judge us. Their love is unconditional, and they're always there when you need soneone to listen. They know our faults and our forgiving. They will never stop giving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**