Pet Identification

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Have you ever lost a pet? If you have you know that it is a long drawn out process of telephone calls to the shelter, making photocopies of fliers, and distributing the fliers around town. This may be a problem for you, but think of it on a larger scale, of all of the pets that are lost. Believe it or not, there is a huge problem today with over crowded animal shelters. As a …

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…years, why put into effect its applications to animals. There is not a better time to put into effect what several other countries have already done, and microchip our animals. In turn there would be less animals in the shelters, less animals euthanized and less animals roaming the streets, left to starve or be hit by cars. Finally, microchips would protect your loved animal and prevent it from accidentally being euthanized because it is unidentifiable.