Perspectives on fear and Aggression

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Perspectives on Fear and Aggression In the study of Psychology, particularly human behaviour, both aggression and fear are hotly debated topics among theorists. Aggression and fear are both inherent in our world and both serve different functions. Fear refers to a personal fear and can be observed on a personal level, whereas aggression is a group subject, usually concerned with more than one person. These two very primal emotions seem almost out of place in …

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…convincing theories that surround them both. Both have a necessary role in human development and both continue to divide psychologists. In their normal expression, aggression is structuring group behaviour and fear has a role in helping individuals avoid risky situations. However, these behaviours can often be expressed in ways that lead to difficult outcomes for individuals and groups, psychologists of all persuasions will continue to try to understand the tension and difficulties implicit in this.