PepsiCo's Restaurants

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
SUMMARY & COMMENTS This case presents the PepsiCo Company's situation between 1950s to early 1990s. PepsiCo is a large organization with a decentralized management approach. In 1933, 12 ounces of Pepsi was equal to a nickel where for one nickel you could buy 6 ounces of Coca Cola. By the end of 1940s, when Alfred Steele was the CEO, the company moved from low price strategy and launched an extensive marketing campaign to boost the company's image. …

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…company like PepsiCo. Acquisition of COC was a mistake. *<Tab/>Even in a decentralized structure, coordination to some extend is vital. There should be a balance between the decentralization and the coordination. *<Tab/>As it can be seen in the case, employee empowerment is a key success factor. PepsiCo applied that as a company culture in a very efficient way which led to success in many cases.