Paper is about truffles(mushroom used for cooking), where they originated, different types used in cooking.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Truffles are a mushroom used in many ingredients in top dollar recipes. They are considered a delicacy and are very hard to come across. Truffles are grown underground which is called "Fungus Hypogee". <Tab/>These truffles were found back in history but was not documented. They were discovered after a farmer saw his pig digging and eating this so called "poisonous underground mushroom". He waited and was concerned that she was …

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…they could be pulled away easier. <Tab/>Truffles are rare to find growing so scientist tried to cultivate the fungi. Louis XIV, King of France was the first to put a research team together to find a way to raise these special mushrooms. Scientist soon found out it was impossible to cultivate and gave up. The only way is to let mother nature to it's thing and hope for the best.