Our Town

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Christian Ward 1/8/2000 What is the definition of a small town? Is it where everyone knows your name, like the theme song of Cheers, or is it where everyone cares about each other and knows what's going on in town. Grover's Corner fits the definition of the classic small town back in the early twentieth century. Our Town by Thornton Wilder shows that this small town is very close in manor and growth to Asheville, North …

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…less Asheville is a good model of the change that Grovers Corners would encounter with the advancement of and rapidity of growth of life today. Life here is simple and we would like it to stay like that even with the economic growth that it would entail. The one thing that would not be found certain is the lifestyles would be the same as they are today with all the alternative ju ju floating around.