Organic Food

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
To Eat Healthy or not to Eat Healthy; Organic food is that the question? Organic food comes from processors; growers and importers registered and approved by organic certification bodies. Organic food does not get pesticides or fertilizers used. The product must have a label saying organic and where about is it from. A problem with organic food is that not all ingredients are organic, usually only ninety five percent is organic, and sometimes only seventy …

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…used widely in organic livestock management (Newsweek). Therefore overall; organic food could be considered a necessity. It is rising to becoming popular in the middle class homes. The only problem is that the price of organic food is expensive. But it could be worth the price if in fact it helps prevent cancer. From all of this, I would have to say that organic food although expensive, but I would definitely buy the consumer good.