Operation Read: "Lord of the Rings- Return of the King Literacy Project"

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"With a last despairing effort Frodo raised himself on his hands and struggled on for maybe twenty yards." J.R.R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is about two hobbits who have one goal, to overcome many obstacles in order to destroy the one ring in the fires of Mount Doom. The theme of the Return of the King is that you should never give up on a goal you have …

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…readers will enjoy reading Lord of the Rings and at the same time learn a moral. They will discover that there are many helpful people in the world, like firefighters and policemen who risked their lives to keep our society safe and we should be grateful for that. To let them know that we want to be great people like them, we should always be true to your friends, never give up, and be responsible.