On The Beach

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the beginning of this story you meet Peter Holmes, who is a Lieutenant Commander in the RAN (Royal Australia Navy). Next, you meet Mary Holmes, his wife, and their baby daughter, Jennifer. Peter has to go to a city called Melbourne to have a meeting with the Admiral of the Navy. At the meeting they inform Peter that he will be a Liaison Officer on the submarine U.S.S. Scorpion and for the …

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…a person and suringes that would kill a baby if people wanted them so that they didn't have to suffer the hardships of the radiation sickness. Peter, Mary, and Jennifer all used them. Commander Towers and his crew sailed away and sunk the sub and died in it Moria and John Osbourne took the pills. Just befor Moria took the pill she said "Dwight if your on your way wait up." and she killed herself.