Omaha Beach.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Omaha Beach The Normandy Invasion had five planed landing sites Omaha, Utah, Juno, Sword and Gold. These were code names given to specific sections of beach. Omaha beach was the largest targeted strip of beach, it was over 10 kilometer long. Counting from the right, Omaha beach was the second, it was between Port-en-Bessin and the delta of the Vire River. The westernmost part of the beach had a three-meter high wall created by the sea. …

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…s fired from very close range at the German fortifications. And when the small groups of men secured the area the exit points were opened slowly. When night came they held positions far away from which they had originally planed. They had 2400 deaths but were able to land 34000 troops. The Germans lost 1200 soldiers, that consisted 20% of their forces, but they had no more reinforcements coming to put up a fight against the Americans large numbers.