Old Man and the Sea

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ernest Hemingway's "Old Man and the Sea" is a simple story about an old Cuban fisherman. The main character, Santiago, goes through the most difficult struggle of his life. The story is filled with Santiago's perseverance though the hardest of times. Hemingway shows one of the greatest examples of an individual looking deep within himself to get the courage to overcome the tragedies that life presents. Hemingway uses the sea to represent life and the …

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…of Hemingway's story. I believe that Hemingway represented life though the sea and the individual stuck in a struggle though Santiago. "Old Man and the Sea" is an epic story about an overwhelming challenge being conquered by an individual looking deep with him to find the strength. Although the struggle was fierce and violent it wasn't a battle between good and evil, it was more about overcoming challenges and adversities though the hardest of times.