Of Mice and Men

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Essay Database > Literature
Everywhere there is society and civilization and there is always prejudice. Someone is always the wrong color, worshiping the wrong God, or wearing the wrong thing. No one fits into our idealistic world perfectly. This prejudice has been around for thousands of years because it is just human nature not to accept people for who they are. In the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, which is about two migrant laborers, George Milton …

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…conclusion, through all these reasons, it shows that Steinbeck uses racism, sexism, and social prejudice through the novel Of Mice and Men to demonstrate that discriminations are horrible to the society. Moreover, it shows that the characters such as Crooks and Curley's wife have become intensely lonely through racism and sexism, but they are in hopeless position that they can do nothing about it. These prejudices, which can still be seen in the world today.