Of Mice and Men

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
In the classic novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, there are several literary elements conveyed. One major literary element that is implied in the story is theme. Theme plays a major role because it conveys the message that the author is trying to communicate to the reader about life and labor during the great depression. By using the literary element known as theme, Mr. Steinbeck can convey his feelings about agricultural labor in …

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…type of handicap such as Candy whose hand was missing due to an calamity with a machine. Lennie with the pole eyes had a mental impediment. George a short man with high hopes about owning a farm had both mental and physical disability inflicted on him from his acquaintance Lennie. According to Mr. Steinbeck, all people have some type of disability that can be physical or mental and could either be recognized or hidden within.