Of Mice and Men

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Dreams In the novel, "Of Mice and Men" dreams are a very important, recurring motif in the text. For example, George and Lennie both want to own a ranch together when they get the money. Lennie especially want's to have a ranch filled with bunnies, Curly's wife wants to be famous and be well known and Crooks in how all he want's is equality because he is black. In this essay it will be described …

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…George and Lennie's dream to own a ranch together full of animals, Curly's wife for becoming a movie star and wanting to be something and Crooks for just wanting to be excepted by others and how he wants his equality in life. These are very important dreams that have been described and shown in the essay and play a significant role in the novel "Of Mice And Men." Words: 855 Counted without quotes from the novel