Nudes in Art.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The following paper is a critical essay regarding three pieces of art with the similar theme of nudes. The works I have chosen are "Drunk Silenus" from the artist Peter Paul Rubens, "Jupiter in the Guise of Diana Seducing the Nymph Calisto" from the artist Francois Boucher, and , "The Death of Sardanapalus" from the artist Eugene Delacroix. The first work of art is from Peter Paul Rubens, and is titled "Drunk Silenus". This painting was …

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…he is in a place that would be bright, but there seems to be a great amount of light coming off the left side of the picture. There is death everywhere as animals and woman are being "destroyed", but the woman getting her throat cut seems to be the center of attention. Red is a prevalent color here, possibly being a representation for the blood being spilled. Blood is absent where there should be some.