Nuclear Weapons.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Nuclear weapons are explosive devices, bombs, or warheads that release nuclear energy. Their destructive power comes from the core of the atom, the nucleus. One type of nuclear weapon, the atom bomb, and uses the energy released when nuclei of heavy elements like uranium or plutonium, split apart. A second even more powerful type of nuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb, and uses the energy released when nuclei of light elements, types of hydrogen atoms, are …

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…decrease in the numbers of nuclear weapons in the world. The U.S. and Russia signed a treaty, Strategic Arms Treaty, in 1993 that eliminated over two thirds of nuclear weapons in 10 years. 2,500 had been removed from two countries. Thousands of nuclear weapons remain in many countries but the number is lower thanks to recent diplomatic trends. Later in 1995 the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, and China agreed to eliminate their arsenals as an ultimate goal.