Nuclear Weapons

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Nuclear Weapons Thousands of nuclear weapons exist in the world today; enough to bomb the world ten times over. What drives humans to create such destructive weapons? These artilleries are created to wipe out entire cities, permanently. The chemical reactions that take place in these explosions create an aftermath that cannot be predicted nor can it be understood. Occasionally there is only a costly effect but mostly there is tragedy and devastation that follows. To …

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…harm that they will experience (The Nuclear Files). The catastrophic events are without doubt clearly visible. These explosions completely destroy people, buildings, everything within its reach. However, the most shocking piece of information is that countries such as the United States, Russia, and China continue to produce weaponry that is so destructive and injurious. All the artillery created by these nations continues to develop and becomes more powerful, more advanced, and deadlier year by year.