Nuclear Waste

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Essay on nuclear waste, it's problems, and possible solutions good, should be updated Nuclear Waste Nuclear waste is one of the most pressing and provocative environmental issues of our time. This radioactive waste, which remains deadly for thousands of years, is incredibly difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, time is running short for a solution, as a growing number of reactors, (111 in the United States alone), radioactive remnants of Cold War weapons, and increasing medical uses …

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…large-scale recycling could lead to trade in plutonium, which can be used to make nuclear weapons. The question of how to deal with nuclear waste is an extremely difficult one, but it must be dealt with. Certainly, nuclear waste must be disposed of somewhere, and the longer we wait, the more formidable the task becomes. What is needed is more study on how radioactive elements behave, hopefully enough to solve this most urgent environmental problem.