Nuclear Power

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Essay Database > Literature
"Inherently safe" reactors are a myth. An accident can occur in any nuclear reactor, causing the release of large quantities of deadly fission products into the environment. Even during normal operation, radioactive materials are regularly discharged into the air and water. One of the biggest problems facing the nuclear industry is what to do with the radioactive waste generated in a nuclear reactor. Large quantities of low and intermediate level wastes in liquid or solid …

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…to sail into the US nuclear weapons testing zone near Amchitka, Alaska in 1971. The scheduled test still went ahead but world opinion was changed and today, 30 years on, there are no nuclear weapons tests by the main nuclear weapons states. Check out our 'zoom on doom' map for those countries with nuclear weapons programmes. However, there are still many nuclear threats facing the earth, which require campaigning against until there is a nuclear free world.