Nuclear Arms

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The United States in World War II created nuclear weapons in a secret wartime project. The U.S. spent over $2 billion dollars in 1945 on the project in fear that the Germans might succeed in creating a similar weapon. However the German's did not seriously pursue the development of the nuclear weapons during World War II. Four years after the United States exploded the first atomic bomb in 1945 on Hiroshima, the Soviet Union tested their own. …

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…of self-defence. Under the ruling, any threat of use to intimidate or use short of self- defence would be clearly illegal, and under the Nuremberg Principles and the Genocide Convention would also be a crime under international law. There-bye being punishable under the law established by the International Military Tribunal and the Genocide Convention. And even under these "extreme circumstances," the Court did not indicate that threat or use of nuclear weapons would be legal.