Naturalism Analysis Through "Ethan Frome" and "Moby Dick"

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During the period in which naturalism was used strongly in writing, many different writers expressed their opinions much more satisfactorily because of the idea of naturalism. Two of these authors are Edith Wharton, known especially for her work, Ethan Frome, and Herman Melville, whose masterpiece, Moby Dick, has been a best seller for years. These authors tried as hard as they could to portray life exactly as it was in an extension of realism. These …

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…Tab/>Throughout the two books, naturalism is expressed quite frequently, in order to tell the reader a story that could actually happen, even though these two happen to be fiction. Naturalism was a very important movement in American Literature. These two writers, Edith Wharton and Herman Melville, are just two of the countless naturalist writers in this era of expressing true feelings and fiction that sounds like it could very well be non-fiction.