Natural Disasters and Prevention

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Natural Disasters and Prevention We are at a time where our society is able to bring the full force of scientific and technological advances to reduce the number of human tragedy and economic losses due to natural disasters. Although, we must take an integrated and diverse approach to disaster reduction, bringing new emphasis to research on disasters, on pre-disaster planning, and on preparedness. It is up to us to include disaster education and preparedness of …

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…mitigation by the end of the century. International efforts should lay equal emphasis on scientific programs, engineering capabilities, and in the national and international response to humanitarian and economic needs, particularly those of the developing countries. Such activities are presently being carried out by participating countries through the creation of national committees, and by the organizations of the UN system, organizations such as UNESCO, UNDRO, UNEP, IOC, UNDP, only to mention a few. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**