Natural Disasters

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Planet Earth is our home in space. It is a planet of continuous changes that started billions of years ago and that will continue for billions of years to come. Sometime the earth undergoes changes or movements that are rapid and effect our environment and safety. These rapid changes are known as natural disasters. These include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons (hurricanes), tsunamis, floods, droughts, fires, and other events which are indications of interactions of mass …

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…numerous other hazards are also unpredictable changes that can result in loss of life and destruction to property. On a large scale, they are uncontrollable catastrophes that can cause human suffering, displacement, and chaos - both economic and social. These can consist of various manifestations and are the most devastating things in human lives which can affect large numbers of people, destroy vast areas, and yet, over which mankind has little or no control over.