Napoleon, Machiavelli's perfect prince

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Essay Database > History > European History
This essay will give an overview of Napoleons life, explain the excerpt from "The Prince", and explain, using evidence from Napoleon's life, how Napoleon followed the advice in "The Prince". Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 5th, 1769, in Corsica to an aristocratic family. At age nine, Napoleon left for France to study at Brienne, a private school. In 1984, he moved to Paris to study at the Royal Military Academy. A year later, Napoleon entered the …

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…that leave no regret, are those that have been wrested from ignorance." But several years later he limited knowledge and censored everything telling the public only what he wanted them to hear. When Napoleon surrendered to the 6th coalition he was exiled but in true Machiavellian fashion, he returned about a year later to re-claim France. Napoleon's leadership, beliefs, and ideals prove that while being a great leader Napoleon was also very Machiavellian in nature.