My day

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Impressions It smells horrendous, it tastes dreadful, and it feels disgraceful. It is as if an enormous boxer struck you in the head and knocked you out, it's the feeling that everybody hates, defeat. Except my opponent was not a physical being it was something that I could not explain. You think that the one with the most toys wins? Let me clue you in on something, no matter who you are or what you …

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…thought we could take them out in no time and walk all over them. Being the captain of the team I tried telling everybody don't celebrate until after the buzzer. So we took the ice against the Pine Crest Panthers (the worst team in the league) the puck dropped, and at that moment I tasted defeat. A grueling one-hour of ice hockey was all it took to be the last straw that broke my back.