My date with Candy.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
My first date with Candy is a good illustration of the kind of women attracted to me. For my part I felt I owed it to myself to pursue her as she was a model and on a scale of ten was a 9 in my ranking. However, all the qualities that made up her beauty came at the expense of her intelligence, and would fully justify all the things related about blondes were she not …

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…how "family members shouldn't get their hands dirty". "Look," I interjected, "I'll just get out here. I'm practically home." I don't know if they noticed, but I didn't wait to repeat my offer. I walked off into the most convenient direction which was over some waste ground and just kept walking into the darkness before I decided I had to figure out somehow where the hell I was. Several hours later I was finally home.