Music Therapy - by Saaim Khan

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Music therapy is the prescribed use of music and musical interventions in order to restore, maintain, and improve emotional, physical, physiological, and spiritual health and well-being. Within this definition are the key elements that define interventions as music therapy. While music has been used as a therapeutic mean for centuries, music therapy did not emerge as an organized profession until 1950 with the establishment of the National Association for Music Therapy and the American Association for …

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…have on the client's physical, psychological and socio-economical functioning. You can find music therapists working with a wide variety of people. Some examples include the mentally ill, the physically handicapped, those who have been abused, the elderly including those suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia, the terminally ill, the mentally retarded and the developmentally delayed, the traumatically brain injured, those with learning disabilities, as well as those persons who do not suffer from a clinical diagnosis.