Music History

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Music has been a great influence in the lives of many people through lyrics and rhythm. There are many different styles that can be performed by either a male or female. Music has been around for many years and is constantly changing. Music has been divided into six periods: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Twentieth Century. Music is written in symbols that represent musical sounds. The system of written symbols is called Musical Notation. "The …

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…Its Role and Importance in Our Lives”, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994: 122, 445, 448-49. Gerboth, Walter, "Musical Notation", Encarta 97, CD Rom, 1993-96. “Historical Periods”, Classical Insites Conservatory, AOL, 1998. Kirshner, Julius, “Renaissance”, Encarta 97, CD Rom, Microsoft, 1993-96. Machlis, Joseph, “The Enjoyment of Music”, New York: Norton, 1984: 228, 295, 296, 354. Mautz, Nancy B., "Creative Impulse...Baroque", World Wide Web, 12 Sept., 1998. Nettl, Bruno, “Music”, Encarta 97, CD Rom, Microsoft, 1993-96. Sullavin, Edward J., "Baroque". Encarta 97, CD Rom, Microsoft. 1993-96. Ulrich, Homer, “Music”, Encyclopedia Americana, 1979: Vol. 19.