Music Enhances Brain Power

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Music Enhances Brain Power For eight years I have played the clarinet in the marching band. Many people believe that playing in the band is just an extra curricular activity that does not require much effort. People feel that it does not take a genius to play an instrument. They have the attitude of oh I can do that or all you have to do is blow air into the mouthpiece and move your fingers …

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…takes lots of time, practice, and skill to play an instrument in the band. There is plenty to learn and memorize. It is hard work that cannot be taken lightly. You have to have a high attention span, be able to read, play, and memorize music, and most of all count. Playing an instrument in the band has helped to enhance my memorization skills, math skills, and has overall improved me as a student. (802 words)