Music Cultures

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Early music is based mainly on the music of the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque eras. Many people like to define Early Music as ending in 1750, with the death of J.S. Bach. This is a handy date, but it misses the various stylistic changes taking place around that time, i.e. the emergence of the gallant and pre-classical idioms in close proximity to the final flowering of the baroque proper. To add even more confusion, …

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…create a diverse and interesting sound. Without The Beatles, the world would be a much different place today. Over time we can tell that music changed for many reasons. I am sure that there are many other groups, other than the examples above that influenced the change in music. From Early music, to Modern Rock and Jazz there is a major difference in the sound, but it is still influenced by classical music. Bibliography none