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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Writing about Music Listen to the compilation tape carefully once or twice, and then choose one piece to explore in depth. You may NOT write about Bessie Smith's recording of "St. Louis Blues" or Paul Robeson's recording of "Go Down, Moses." Listen to your chosen piece two or three more times (before consulting any outside material). Write a detailed personal response. What do you hear? Why does the piece move you or appeal to you? …

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…the music (as appropriate), but you'll want to do so in a way that will be clear to the general reader. Your finished paper should be between 700 and 1000 words long. You do not need to provide documentation of any kind since the research you do for this assignment should be simply to locate "common knowledge" about the musician(s) and the piece. However, please print or photocopy any sources you used in creating your essay.