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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
How many people in this room like rap or hip-hop music? Does everybody know where rap music originated? Do you believe that rap is more than three hundred years old? The words rhythmically recited, chanted, or sung over music by the likes of Jay-z, Missy Elliot, Jurassic 5, and many more represent a sense of identity and belonging for young people in America and throughout the world. Rap is the voice of a population that has …

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…However nothing is certain when it comes to the music world and the audiences taste. In conclusion, Hip-hop has served to be the common force that holds together people of different races, cultures, political backgrounds, and even different genders. I believe that hip-hop will follow its precedent and become even more popular than it is now. The history of rap is still in the making, and someday there will be college courses on the subject.