Muriel's wedding.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Question: Choose a scene from your text and show through detailed analysis how the themes and characters are represented and shaped through cinematic techniques. Start of essay.... English Formative 1 Media Study Task The text Muriel's wedding directed by P.J Hogan shows an exciting rollercoaster ride of Muriel's life. One scene that is the most evident that Muriel is trying to change the way she lives her life and how she is trying to get …

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…The war against Muriel and Tania etc. Purple. Meaning, Fantasy, love. The love of Muriel and Ronda. Green. Meaning, Growth, Fertility. The growing friendship of Muriel and Ronda. The text Muriel's wedding directed by P.J Hogan shows an exciting rollercoaster ride of Muriel's life. That shows how the main character Muriel copes with depression through the use of cinematic techniques. Including camera shots, lighting and colour. Written By Add Name Here Add Class here