Mozart and Enlightment

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The 18th century principal ideas radically changed the route of music. The time of Enlightenment resulted in the now broadly accepted rules of parity and reason into the public understanding throughout most of European countries. These ideas were as well the philosophical foundation for the creation of the United States of America. American Declaration of Independence commences with the audacious claim that "all men are created equal" and "endowed with certain unalienable rights." Enlightenment and …

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…significantly contributed to the change that music experienced. Therefore, the emergence of unique Mozart's music art to the very degree was influenced by that epoch: it absorbed Enlightenment's pivotal ideas, its core and its ultimate peculiarity, and transformed from conventional music into magic and sublime. Bibliography Bronner S.E. Reclaiming the Enlightenment. Columbia University Press, 2004 Liebner J. Mozart on the Stage, Aarhus University Press, 1980 Leeson D. Opus Ultimum: the Story of the Mozart Requiem, Algora, 2004