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Essay Database > History
Originals, These are originals? Astounding beyond belief, these were first drafts of music, No corrections of any kind, not one, he just wrote music, already finished, in his head! Page after page of it, as if he were just taking dictation. And music finished as no music ever finished. "Displace one note, and it would be diminished, displace one phrase, and the structure would fall." It was clear, the sound herd in the Archbishops had …

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…them, completing his first symphony at the age of nine, and publishing his first sonatas in the same year. In 1769, Wolfgang and his father left the rest of the family to tour Italy for more than a year. Spending sufficient time in Rome, Milan, Florence, Naples, and Bologna, Wolfgang got to experience to full essence the taste of another culture. During these years, Wolfgang completed an opera; Ro di Ponto, which was celebrated in Italy.