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Essay Database > Literature > English
I'm writing my paper on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I will be talking about his life and his music. I will tell you a little bit about his father, wife, and son. Mozart was the leading composer of the Classical Age. He wrote many different types of music. He was the best composer of his time. Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria on January 27, 1756. He was around music his entire life. By the age of three, …

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…He was wrapped in cloth so he wouldn't rot and smell bad. He was buried in an unmarked grave. Even today nobody knows where he rests in peace. We will probably never know. I think that Mozart was an interesting man. I enjoy listening to his symphonys and operas when I get the chance to. I would definetly recommend doing a report on Mozart to a frien. He was a pretty neat person. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**